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New Jersey Resources and Links for Families and Children

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New Jersey Family Law

When parents separate, families find help at the Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

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Warren County Child Custody Lawyers helps client keep sole custody of children

T.S. Warren County Child Custody Case

Our Warren County Child Custody Lawyers helped this client in her divorce case.  A few months later, the father filed a motion for joint legal custody and other relief.  Our child custody lawyers fought hard against the father’s motion.  We called it what is was – harassment.  Luckily, the court denied his entire motion.  We showed him that our client would not be harassed by his frivolous motions.  If you are being harassed by frivolous child custody motions in any court in New Jersey, call our team of tough, smart lawyers today to discuss your case.

Warren County Child Custody Lawyers help client win custody in divorce case


Warren County

This was another tough divorce case because the parties hated each other even more so than the average case. Before we were involved in the case there were a number of domestic violence issues, restraining orders and criminal charges. Half way through the case, the father went pro se and thus, had no more legal fees to pay which put our client at a significant disadvantage. The case was headed to trial but within a few weeks of the scheduled trial date, we worked out a settlement where the client got custody of the children, child support and alimony.

Warren County Child Custody Lawyers