New Jersey Domestic Violence Attorneys

NJ Domestic Violence Lawyers

Domestic violence charges will likely impact your parental rights. While our courts have recognized that litigants can use domestic violence allegations to get an advantage in custody and family court matters, courts can still be all too ready to grant a final restraining order. When a FRO is granted, there is a presumption that is very difficult to overcome that you will not get custody. In fact, many people with an FRO have supervised visitation. Furthermore, the F in FRO really does stand for final which means that there is no expiration date. It is just as valid 20 years from now as it is today. Thus, your parental rights could be impacted forever. When its all on the line, you need a team of tough, smart NJ domestic violence lawyers that will protect you and fight back against false allegations.

Most divorces and other family court matters settle. Thus, some New Jersey family law attorneys may have very little trial experience. Furthermore, most family law attorneys in New Jersey do not handle criminal cases, at least not on a regular basis. Thus, when you are looking for a  New Jersey law firm to handle your domestic violence matter, be sure to select a law firm with recognized experience. You need a team of tough, aggressive lawyers that have many trials under their belts. Our battle tested domestic violence defense lawyers know that it takes to win. Call us today to see how we can help you. Let us come up with a plan to crush the case against you!

New Jersey domestic violence lawyers

Posted on November 18, 2012, in Practice Areas and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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